We have reached our 61st country!

If you know me, you know that one of my foremost hobbies is travel. Many kinds, really. It’s up there with music and having an all-out good time. And if the three happen at the same time, it’s the epitome of grandness for me.

A couple of years back I was dancing the night away in London and I happened to bump into someone whom I didn’t know at the time but we shared the same love for a website that we both were members of. That website is Virtual Tourist, a no-jokes online review site for the serious tourist. We both has an unabashed passion for travel and escapism. At the time, he had just passed his 50-country mark and was very proud of it (currently, he is working on getting to a 100.) We were both the same age and I was very intrigued to reach that number. I used to travel as much as I do, but with not as much fervor to visit new and unexplored places.

So, here I am back in Kuwait after heading back on a 22 hour trip from Brazil. 61 countries in . Still, the world has a little less than 200 countries and that puts me right above the quarter mark. But, it is undeniably a feat when considering that all of this happened in the span of the past 4 years. Now, I have crossed this milestone that I have been waiting to accomplish for a while and feel that this whole travel craziness is not only a hobby of sorts but also my third degree. The experiences I have collected and the things I saw are an education in and by themselves.

My blog posts are usually not that personal, but, this, I had to blog about. Here’s my country list:

  1. Kuwait
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Bahrain
  4. Qatar
  5. UAE
  6. Oman
  7. Jordan
  8. Syria
  9. Lebanon
  10. Turkey
  11. Cyprus
  12. Croatia
  13. Montenegro
  14. Greece
  15. Malta
  16. Italy
  17. Vatican City
  18. Spain
  19. Portugal
  20. France
  21. Germany
  22. Belgium
  23. Luxembourg
  24. The Netherlands
  25. Norway
  26. Denmark
  27. Sweden
  28. Finland
  29. Poland
  30. Czech Republic
  31. Slovakia
  32. Hungary
  33. Austria
  34. Switzerland
  35. Monaco
  36. UK
  37. USA
  38. Canada
  39. Egypt
  40. Tanzania
  41. South Africa
  42. Madagascar
  43. Zambia
  44. Zimbabwe
  45. Maldives
  46. India
  47. Sri Lanka
  48. Myanmar
  49. Nepal
  50. Laos
  51. Thailand
  52. Cambodia
  53. Vietnam
  54. Malaysia
  55. Singapore
  56. Indonesia
  57. Hong Kong/Macau
  58. Philippines
  59. South Korea
  60. Argentina
  61. Brazil

I also happened to have transitted in airports in Ethiopia, Japan and Chile but I don’t count transits. At any rate, this doesn’t apply to my US state count (at 32 states). The next destinations that I am eying are Palau, Bangladesh, Iceland (still, haven’t gotten there), Chile, New Zealand, Peru, San Marino and anywhere new in my favorite continent – Africa.

Enhanced by Zemanta


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